10 easy tricks to craft cold E-mails that actually Get responses!

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10 Easy Tricks to Craft Cold Emails That Actually Get Responses!

Sending a cold email might not be super hard, but if you’ve never done it before or if you didn’t get any replies, it can seem really tough. Lots of sales people have been in the same boat, but only a few have figured out how to succeed. What do they have in common? They’ve got a good plan.

This blog is all about helping you write better cold emails and avoid mistakes. Let’s jump in and learn how to do it right with this 10 simple steps:

1. Define your goals

When composing your email, start by setting clear goals(i.e. lead generation, promote your product/service, book more meetings, outreach to candidates, link building). 

Remember, it’s not just about what you want to achieve; it’s about delivering value to your recipients. When your goals align with theirs, it fosters engagement and builds lasting relationships. Plus, having a clear goal also guides your message and helps you include the right details to elicit a response from your recipients.

2. Identify your target audience

Once you’ve decided what you want to achieve, research the people you’re emailing to make your message fit them better. Knowing who they are and what they like increases your chances of getting a response. Consider key questions like:

  • Is my target audience too broad or narrow?
  • Will my offering benefit my customer? Do they see its value?
  • Do I understand what influences my recipient’s decisions?
  • Can I reach them via cold email? Is their inbox accessible?
  • Am I targeting the decision-makers?

3. Craft an irresistible subject line

Your email subject line is super important for getting noticed and making your outreach effective.

To grab attention:

  • Personalize it for each person. 

In some old-school industries, people still expect formalities. But don’t get stuck in that trap. Remember, the people you’re emailing are just like you—regular folks. If you have something interesting to offer that can solve their problems, they’ll be glad to hear from you.

  • Make it about something they care about.

Bad (generic and not personalized): Web Design Services Available
Good: [Recipient’s Name], need help with {{challenge}}?

See the difference? The second one feels more personal and relevant. Keep in mind the following tips for writing such irresistible subject lines for your emails:

  • Ask questions
  • Include the recipient’s name (personalized subject lines boost open rates by 50%)...

    You can personalize not only by using first name, but also by using company name, pain points, geographic location, professional updates, personal interests/likes, and mutual connections.

    – {{First Name}}, Congrats on the promotion!
    – {{Benefit}} for {{Company Name}}
    – {{First Name}}, love your new blog piece!
    – {{First Name}}, will I see you at {{Event}}?
    – What would you do with $1000 {{First Name}}?
    – {{First Name}}, ready to increase your revenue?
    – I made a custom report for you, {{First Name}}

  • Address pain points
  • Create FOMO (fear of missing out) 
  • Generate curiosity
  • Use social proof.  
    You can use social proof by sharing, customer testimonials, reviews & ratings, social media shares, case studies, influencer endorsements, and more. 

    How {{Company}} used {{Product/Service}} to increase their {{Metric}}See why {{Competitor}} loves us!
    Top-rated {{Product/Service}} Provider According to {Publication}
    See What [Industry] Experts Are Saying About [Company]
    How we helped {{Your Top Client}} Achieve {{Goal/Metric}}

  • Provide value.
    “What’s in it for me?” is one of the first questions recipients ask themselves when determining whether to open an email.

    The secret to resolving {{Pain Point}}
    – [X] tips to decrease {{Something related to their pain points}}
    – [X] best ideas to reach {{Goal}}
    – Save {{Amount/Percentage}} on {{Product/Service}}
    -More content for your blog!

  • Have a call-to-action (CTA)
  • Include numbers 
  • Humorous/Creative
    A little humor never hurt anyone! Everyone loves a good laugh, and hey, if it can get your recipients to open your email then why not! Create funny or creative subject lines that will capture your audience’s interest.

    Another email for you to ignore!
    – Swipe right on us {{First Name}}!
    – How you doin’?😏
    – Hello from the other side {{First Name}}!
    – Your inbox needs some love {{First Name}}!
    – Let’s make {{Company Name}} great again! 

4. Start with a relevant opening line

Once you’ve grabbed your prospect’s attention with a catchy subject line, the next step is the intro. People will look at your opening line before they open your email, and it’s the first thing they’ll read when they open it.You’ve only got a few seconds to keep them interested before they delete your email. 
So hows to write great opening line. 

  • The Quick Compliment

A great way to kick off a cold email is by giving a sincere compliment. To do this, you’ll need to dig into the recipient’s background and find something special about them to mention.

Saw your talk at {{event}} – loved the unique insights and hoping to test some of those ideas over the next few weeks!
-Listened to you on {{podcast}}, really enjoyed your points on {{topic}}.
-Congrats on the recent funding for {{company.name}} – should be an exciting few months ahead!
-Saw you were nominated for {{award}} – congrats!

  • Something in Common

If you have something in common  with the person you’re emailing (mutual friend, same college, same city) bring it up. It’s a great way to build instant rapport.


-{{mutual.connection}} said I should reach out to you. 
-Saw you went to {{college}} – class of {{year}} here.
-Hope you’re doing well – always good to connect with people in {{city}}
-I’m reaching out to other people working in {{industry}}, saw you’ve worked with {{company A}} and {{company B}}.

You don’t have to dive into personal details (you’re still getting to know them), but hinting that you’re not a total stranger can build rapport.

  • Mention Recent Content They Produced

People care about themselves and their work. Starting an email with a genuine compliment based on something they’ve created—whether it’s a video, article, or podcast—can be an effective approach.

-Saw your latest industry report – incredible how {{statistic they mentioned}}!
-Just saw the case study you published with {{customer}}. Awesome how you helped them increase conversions by 15%.
-Loved the article you shared on LinkedIn yesterday about {{topic}}, sent it straight to my team’s Slack.

  • Agitate a Pain Point

A common copywriting framework is called PAS: Problem, Agitate, Solve. Incorporate this into your cold email templates, especially in your opening lines, to demonstrate a deep understanding of the challenges your customer is encountering.


-Loved your blog post on {{topic}} you published, hope it’s converting well
-Saw you’re using cold email at {{company.name}}, hope it’s performing well
-Noticed you’re hiring for {{role}}, wanted to reach out to see if our software could help.

And, remember! Avoid sounding too formal. Nowadays, people can easily tell if your email is automated. Using a relaxed tone makes your message stand out from other cold emails your prospect receives.

5. Introduce yourself and your purpose

After making a strong introduction, briefly introduce yourself and explain why you’re reaching out. Clearly state your purpose so they grasp the context immediately.


“I’m [Your Name], [Your Position] at [Your Company]. I noticed your recent collaboration with [Relevant Company] on [Relevant Project], and I wanted to reach out.”

The aim is to introduce yourself briefly before focusing on their needs. Avoid spending multiple paragraphs talking about yourself.

6. Sympathize with their pain points

After introducing yourself and stating why you’re emailing, show that you understand their challenges and sympathize with their problems. This helps build a connection and shows you care about their needs.

Try mentioning a specific problem you noticed during your research and explain how you can help solve it.


“I know how tough it can be to choose the right marketing tools on a tight budget, especially for fellow marketers like us. That’s why I’m reaching out—to offer a solution that fits your needs.”

By relating to their issues, you show you’re not just another salesperson but someone who wants to help.

7. Add your unique value proposition

In a cold email, you only have a few seconds to grab the reader’s attention. That’s where your value proposition comes in. It’s about quickly explaining what you offer to your audience.

A good value proposition shows you understand what the reader needs and how your offer can help. By highlighting what sets your offer apart, you show why they should choose you over others.When your value proposition matches their needs, it makes your email more interesting, increasing the chances they’ll keep reading. This connection encourages them to engage with your email further.


“We know your team is skilled but often lacks time and resources for outbound lead generation. Our tool automates email outreach, letting your team focus on closing deals.”

8. Include a clear & direct call-to-action (CTA)

A cold email call to action (also known as cold email CTA) is a sentence or a group of words to invite the prospect to perform a specific action: booking a call, clicking on your website or watching a video.

Imagine this: Your recipient reads your email and loves your product, but they’re unsure what to do next. It may seem strange, but this is a common issue in cold email campaigns.

You might have a fantastic email and subject line, but without a clear call to action, nobody will take the next step. Crafting a compelling call to action isn’t easy, but it’s essential. You need to give them a clear next step, like scheduling a meeting or consultation. According to our analysis of millions of cold email campaigns, the best length for a cold email CTA is between 4-8 words.

Book a 15 mins slot at your convenience. Here is a link to my calendar.
Let’s talk! Get in touch with us to learn how we can help you succeed.
Can you confirm with a yes/no if this is a pain point you currently experience?

9. Close your email with appreciation

Gratitude goes a long way. Ending your email with appreciation leaves a positive impression.Here are some examples:

“Thank you for your time.”
“I appreciate your support.”
“I look forward to your continued support. Thank you.”

9. Don’t forget your email signature

Don’t forget to add a professional email signature with your name, job title, company, phone number, and email address. This makes it easy for them to reach out to you. A professional email signature acts like a virtual business card, leaving a lasting impression. Including the company’s name, logo, and colors reinforces brand recognition.

If you want to discuss an upcoming project for you or your brand please contact us.

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