10 ways to increase Instagram engagement in 2022.

Ko Agency – News

Barbara Potrč, 10. 5. 2022 

We know we all want to increase our Instagram Engagement in 2022. From creating memes to hosting giveaways — there are tons of tactics to engage with your community and see your metrics skyrocket.

Here are 10 tried-and-tested ways to increase your Instagram engagement in 2022:

1. Engage With Your Audience Through Instagram Stories Stickers:

Instagram Stories stickers are a great way to encourage your followers to engage with you, which, in turn, helps create a loyal following that feels connected to your brand. On stories, there are a number of quick and easy stickers to use like polls, questions, countdowns, quizzes, and emoji sliders to name a few. You’ll be surprised at how much engagement you’ll get from this simple little questions box. Instagram users like to feel like they’re part of something bigger. And opening up the floor to answering their questions is a great way to do that.

2. Create and Share Relatable Memes:

Memes are the way to every user’s heart. They’re funny, creative, and relatable. And in 2022, relatability is where it’s at. Instagram users want to feel seen and heard, and with the right meme, your audience will be liking, commenting, and sharing your post with their friends.

Regardless of your niche or industry, the opportunity to create a meme is there. Whether it’s someone reposting the meme on their Instagram Story or sending it to a friend, the more people who share your post, the more engagement you’ll see.

3. Create Saveable Graphics:

Quotes, graphics, and repurposed tweets are everywhere on Instagram – and they’re perfect for driving engagement. You’ll find that Instagram users love to share quotes on their stories, especially if they’re both moving and aesthetically pleasing.

A recent trend is repurposing tweets into Instagram feed posts. This type of content is really engaging and popular on Instagram. Similar to meme creation, these sorts of graphics don’t require many resources. Designer or not, you’ve got this!

4. Share Valuable Information in Carousel Posts

Carousel posts are an engagement gold mine. Instagram carousels allow you to share up to 10 pictures, videos, and text graphics with your audience in one post. Whether it’s sharing educational content or supporting a social cause, carousel posts that offer some sort of value can help drive saves and shares.

5. Let Your Personality Shine Through on Instagram Stories

If you want to drive engagement with your community, bringing your personality to Instagram is a great place to start.

Stories are the perfect format for chatty, informal interactions – share a personal anecdote, ask questions, and show your face! Followers want to see that you’re more than just a logo. People tend to be more engaged when they see a face pop up on a brand account’s stories. If you want to take your Instagram Stories strategy to the next level, try planning them out in advance.

6. Host an Enticing Giveaway

Everyone loves free stuff. We don’t make the rules. And with this knowledge, it only makes sense to include giveaways in your Instagram strategy. In 2022, giveaways need to be intentional, enticing to both your existing and target audience, and authentic to your brand. Whether it’s a product, service, or experience, with the right prize up for grabs, you’ll be racking up the engagement.

If the goal for your giveaway is to increase engagement, the tag/follow/share entry requirement format may be best. It’s a straightforward and clear way to gain tons of engagement on a single post.

7. Collab on Instagram Reels

Instagram Collabs are a new way to boost engagement on Instagram, especially on Reels. The feature allows you to invite someone to collaborate on a Feed post or Reel, so they can share the content with their followers.

Essentially, you can co-author content with a fellow Instagram user, and the post will show up on both of your profiles. This way, you’ll be able to share views, likes, and comments, allowing you to leverage and engage with each other’s communities.

8. Think About What Will Inspire Your Community With the Add Yours Sticker

With the introduction of the Add Yours sticker it’s now easier than ever to create a viral challenge with your audience and beyond.

From the recent tree planting fiasco to creators encouraging users to share embarrassing childhood pictures, the Add Yours sticker has already made big waves. If you’re a lifestyle brand, you can ask your audience to share their favorite home decor trend. If you’re a skincare company, you can ask your followers to share their morning routine. Or if you’re a photographer, you can ask your audience to share their favorite photos.

The sky’s the limit with this new trendy feature – you could reach hundreds of new accounts from one single sticker.

9. Post When Your Audience Is Most Engaged

Posting when your audience is most engaged is a great tactic for boosting engagement. So, how do you know when your audience is most engaged? You could manually track when you post on Instagram, and see how your content performs over time in an Excel sheet or Google Doc.

10. Use Relevant Hashtags

Hashtags are, first and foremost, a reach tactic – but greater reach typically equals higher engagement levels. Without a doubt, hashtags should be part of your strategy.

In a recent studies, results showed that posts with 30 Instagram hashtags received the highest engagement rates, on average. Make sure your hashtags are tapping into niche communities that resonate with you content.

There it is — 10 ways you can creatively increase your Instagram engagement. Next time you’re planning and strategizing your content, try to incorporate these tips and watch the engagement roll in!

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